Commercial Work

coverbookillusrockafella back covercollectoroftearssadboykingofdiamondssweetdreamsmlp crib mlp nursery mlp.twins mlp.carouselmlp cream & sugarmlp sea pony

mlp sea lilymlp baby w_cribduck & monkey

jester fabricmermaid fabriccheerio fabric

tuscany dishesflamingo glasses





















These are samples of Commercial Art that I have designed over the years.

Above, in order, are:

  • concept sketches of My Little Pony for Hasbro, Inc., exploring different themes, ideas, and styling
  • styling study for a soft toy concept of a duck and monkey
  • pattern design samples for either fabric, gift wrap paper, or party goods
  • two pages from a giftware company’s catalog showing a Tuscany and Flamingo themed dish and glass sets as final products
  • one color book illustration for a children’s book called Rockafella Jones and The Hidden Treasure written by Lindy Conroe and the full color cover design
  • one of the playing cards I illustrated for a giant size playing card set
  • a greeting card illustration for a new baby, using a nursery rhyme theme
  • sticker sheet for children’s workbook